November 2022
tl;dr: Factor marginal prediction into conditional predictions, by classifying agent relationship into influencers and reactors.
Overall impression
Trajectory prediction is used by autonomous driving cars to infer future motions of nearby agents and identify risky scenarios to enable safe driving. DL based methods excel at prediction marginal trajectories for single agents, but it remains an open problem to jointly predict scene compliant trajectories over multiple agents.
Even DesnseTNT cannot handle two agents, hundred goals for each agent.
Key ideas
- The system consists of relation predictor, marginal predictor, conditional predictor, sample selector.
- Relation predictor: the influencer and the reactor
- The predicted trajectory of the reactor is conditioned on the predicted trajectory of the influencer
- Pass/yield relation between two agents.
- TrafficGraphNet: pass, yield, none.
- Compute the closest spatial distance between two agents. If the distance is smaller than a thresh, then there is no pass yield relationship.
- If A gets to the interaction point first, then A is the influencer. Vice versa.
- Marginal predictor and Conditional predictor
- The marginal predictor is the same as the most single-agent marginal predictor.
- Conditional predictor is largely the same takes in influencer future trajectories, as the augmented scene context input.
- Despite the prediction errors of the conditioned agent, the model outperforms marginal predictors that do not consider interactive correlations.
- Sample selector
- N trajectories for influencer
- N reactor trajectories for each influencer trajectory
- select K highest joint likelihood ones out of N^2 candidates. N=80 to ease computation.
Technical details
- Metric OR (overlap rate): measures the level of scene compliance as the percentage of the predicted traj of any agent overlapping with the predicted traj of other agents. The lower the better. –> This could also reflect the collision between a pred traj and a stationary vehicle (whose traj is one point in world coord).
- Encoder: vectorized (VectorNet) and rasterized (HOME), concatenated to get the best of both worlds.
- The conditional predictor is trained with teacher forcing, with the GT.
- The Relation predictor can reach an accuracy of 90%.
- Interesting Ablation (table 2): if we greedily select the top1 influencer traj, and the sequentially select the top1 reactor traj, then it is not as good as the naively combined marginal prediction. We have to allow the topN (N=80) and use sample selector to make the M2I idea work.
- The performance of M2I heavily depends on the size of interactive training data, especially when training the relation predictor and the conditional traj. –> Can we use smart agent simulation to generate training samples?
- Q: the relation predictor only selects the most likely relationship. –> Maybe extend this to multiclass and select the top K most likely relationship would be better.
- Causality in driving interaction remains an open problem. The influencer and reactor are labelled by heuristics.
- Due to uncertainty in human intent, the future trajectories are probabilistic and multimodal.
- Prediction formulation
- Mixture of Gaussians (Multipath, Trajectron++)
- Generative models (GAN, VAE) suffer from sample inefficiency and require many samples to cover diverse driving scenarios.
- High level intentions
- goal targets (TPNet, GOHOME, DenseTNT, PECNet, PRECOG, TNT)
- lanes to follow (LaPred, PRIME)
- maneuver actions (HYPER)
- Colliding trajectories
- Interaction type prediciton